Variegated hederaceum philodendron care guide

Some people said variegated hederaceum philodendron is just an overhyped snow queen pothos. Do you agree? I love this plant. This is one of the plants you have to see in person in order to appreciate her beauty. She is the perfect entry plant for anyone who wants to dip their toes in the rare plant world. If you love heart shape leaves, great variegation but don't want to worry about leaf browning or slow growth rate, this is your plant. Here is a simple guide on how to care for the plant:
Humidity: You can grow her in relatively low humidity (35-45%)
Watering: You can water the plant when a third of the potting medium is dry. Pay attention to the moisture in the moil for the first couple watering and adjust the amount of water accordingly.
Light: This might be the most important factor for this plant. Make sure you give her enough light. Variegated hederaceum tends to revert in low light. If your plant is reverting, cut the stem where the variegation stops and supplement the plant with a grow light.
Fertilizer: Use well-balanced formular once every month in growing seasons and once every two months in non-growing seasons.