Monstera Standleyana Aurea variegata Origins and Care

Monstera standleyana originates from Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama.
Monstera standleyanas are climbers. Unlike other monsteras, Standleyana tends to size up slowly even when you give them moss poles. However, I find their compact growing pattern quite charming. They also rarely produce fenestration (holes or splits.)
Monstera standleyana aurea has yellow variegation. The yellow will be more vibrant and pigmented when new leaves come in. Then it will fade into light yellow or cream color.
Care and Tips:
* Humidity: Around 55-85%. Can adapt to household humidity quite easily thanks to their thick leaves.
* Temperature: Grows best at 70-80°F yet it can also handle the 55-85 range. Avoid cold drafts, heat stress, or sudden temperature changes.
* Light: Moderately-bright light (around 400 to 700 foot candle.)
* Watering: Thoroughly water your plant when the top 1/3rd of the soil feels dry.
* Best soil mix: Airy, well-drained, organic reach soil or potting mix. Buy our aroid mix here:
* Fertilizer: a nitrogen-rich and micro-nutrient-focused fertilizer only in the growing season.
* Tip 1: When you see the leaves curl backward, it means the plant is thirsty. Make sure you don't let the leaves curl up too often.
* Tip 2: Don't give the plant too much light. You will know you give it too much light when the green starts to fade or bleach.