Care guide for Philodendron Strawberry Shake

Care guide for Philodendron Strawberry Shake

Lights: They can do well under medium to bright indirect light. It is approximately 1000-2500 lux. Make sure the light won't create harsh shadow. Morning and evening lights are beneficial for plants but please keep in mind, the more variegation the plant has, the less direct sunlight it can tolerate. To measure the light level in your room, get your light meter here
Humidity: this plant can grow well in humidity above 50%. Anything lower than that will need a proper acclimation. If you want to learn more about plant acclimation visit this blog post  You can buy the humidifier I use for my shop here 
Airflow: This is one of the factor that is usually overlooked. most of leaf fungal, bacterial infection are caused by the lack of airflow. You plant growth will slow down without good air circulation. For a standard small room, use at least one strong fan to circulate the air. It will be better if you have ceiling fan and standing fans in one room. The fan I use for my shop: amazon
Water: Like other philodendrons, this plant will prefer the dry and wet cycle. However, when the potting medium should retain more than half the amount of  water on the day you water the plant again. If the soil is too dry, which mean the plant needs more water than you provided. 
Soil: Any well draining and air soil mix will work. You can also  use my potting mix formula here. Or you can buy the premade soil mix here.
Temperature: going from 65 to 85F
1. Never, I repeat never let the plant thirsty, aka underwater the plant. They will throw tantrums and kill off leaves faster than you can expect.
2.  Strawberry shake can actually change from yellow variegation to pink variegation with stronger indirect light. Be extremely careful though. You will want to adjust the light intensity little by little. Too much light will actually bleach or worse burn the leaves.
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