Anthuirum Portillae

Anthuirum Portillae

One thing I love and hate about anthuriums is it takes forever for a node to push out the first leaf but once it takes off, it tends to push out big leaves fast. I was gifted an anthurium portillae (NSE lineage) rooted node last year. It didn't do anything for 3 months. Needless to say how desperate I was. But then all of the sudden, the node sprouted not only one but two offshoots. The lesson I get from this is patience. Plants tend to take their sweet time to grow.

Most people don't  know anthurium Portillae is actually a hybrid of Anthurium sp. nov. DF,  first found in Columbia, South America.

This is a lowlander anthurium that enjoy constant moisture in soil and humidity around 70-85%. 

Despite of its pricetag, this unicorn is actually an easy and fast grower once you nail the growing conditions. 

Light: Prefer bright indirect light.

Humidity: ranging from 65-85

Soil mix: Well draining and airy

Temperature: 70-80F

Water: Keep the soil slightly damp all the time.

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